Jane's Blog

Monday 17 February 2014


Basketball Men is truly an amazing game. One of my personal favorites. I love watching this game. The ball is round, they say. You never can tell who will win the game until it’s over. At the third quarter of the game, Information Technology was leading with 21 points over and above CBA. They have bigger and taller players.  The CBA team really fought hard and earned enough points in the last quarter. It was such a close fight. In the last few minutes IT tried to regain control. What an exciting game! IT and CBA students each cheered for their own teams. After all the cheers and wise maneuvers CBA won with just one point over. Wow and the highest pointer was the small but able Rojo, in number 20 Yellow Jersey. He could really win MVP for SPORTSFEST 2014.

It was quite an experience! The UNO-R Gym roared and peeled like thunder amidst the cheers of College students. The CBA coach was Mr. Freddie Parreno’s elder son. His younger sibling playing with the opposing  IT team. Elder bro's coaching vs. younger bro's playing skills. A game is always a game! Players tried their very best to win. It is serious stuff! There were times when one team was leading. As the players struggled, passed the ball and tried to basket it, their opponent gaining points and then they tried even harder as the fourth quarter ticked its last few minutes and final seconds. Time outs were called to plan out better strategies. One point was already a big deal. Afterall, it spelled victory for the winning team. The game ended with 69 for IT and 70 for CBA. The most beautiful sight was the shaking of hands after the game and the congratulations you could hear throughout the gym. 

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