Happy Chinese New Year to all the Chinese and
Tsinoys. What a beautiful culture you have! You are hardworking and
persevering. It is amazing how you have grown and prospered your businesses
through the years. Your lives are inspiring and brilliant testimonies of
patient hard work and determination. The economic boost you have contributed to
our Country is witness to your generosity and indomitable spirit. As we observe
you, we admire your entrepreneurial aptitude. You have an ancient and colorful
history. Among those that were preserved, your art and culture is one of a
kind. We appreciate your love for your elders and the value you give to your
family. We have a lot to learn from you.
The success stories of John
Gokongwei, Henry Sy, and Lucio Tan are lessons of relentless dedication to their goals and aspirations. They remind us of
the Parable of the Talents. We are given talents and we need to invest them and take risks. In
the end, when the Master comes, He will ask of us what we did with the talents
he gave us.

The reason why there are big buildings and Dormitories in front of UNO-R is because Chinese business men have invested and taken risks.
Top photo: South Point, the latest addition to the medium high rise buildings in front of UNO-R.
Left photo: Arcade Dormitory and Piazza.
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